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Carnitine plays an important role in Weight and fat loss. As carnitine transports fatty acids into the mitochondria for its metabolism, it is used to help in weight and fat loss. Many researches were conducted to test the benefits of L-carnitine which proved its effectiveness in weight loss, especially body fat reduction, if accompanied with a low-calorie diet or exercise.

Read about the Introduction of Carnitine here.

It is important to mention here that Carnitine alone cannot help in weight loss, it helps when accompanied by exercise and/or diet. Carnitine only makes sure that fat is the 1st nutrient to burn.



1.   In a trial done on Diabetic patients, subjects took carnitine 2g/day, lost 2 kg more weight than those who didn’t.
2.   In another trial, subjects that took carnitine lost 1.5 kg of weight more than those who took placebo (fake medicine).
3.   Another study suggested that taking carnitine along with regular exercise helped reduce more weight than with exercise alone.
4.   Analysis of six other studies showed that L-carnitine can decrease body weight, BMI (body mass index), & belly fat in females with polycystic ovary syndrome.


Carnitine work by following mechanisms:

·            Fat Transport:

Carnitine is responsible for transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria of cells, where fatty acid can be oxidized (burned) to produce energy. Without carnitine, fatty acids cannot enter the mitochondria (power house of cell). This process is vital for utilizing stored fat as a source of energy, which can contribute to weight loss.

·            Energy Production:

Carnitine helps to increase the rate of fat oxidation by helping in transport of fatty acids into the mitochondria, which ultimately leads to increased energy production. This is beneficial during exercise or periods of high energy expenditure. All of this aids in weight loss.

·            Muscle Preservation:

Carnitine supplementation also helps preserve muscle mass during weight loss. Carnitine spares muscle glycogen stores by promoting the use of fat & fatty acid for energy. It also reduces the breakdown of muscle tissue for energy, which is important for maintaining metabolic rate and overall body composition.

·            Enhanced Exercise Performance:

Some researches suggest that carnitine supplementation can improve exercise performance by increasing fat oxidation and reducing the dependency on glycogen stores during prolonged physical activity. This can potentially lead to more calorie expenditure and ultimately helps in weight loss efforts, especially when combined with regular exercise.


It is pertinent to mention that carnitine supplementation may have some benefits for weight loss and exercise performance, it is not a magic pill. Healthy weight loss still requires a good Routine, healthy diet, regular exercise, and good sleep. In addition to above, response to carnitine in every individual is variable. Some people may lose much more than the others.

Disclaimer: Always consult a healthcare provider while taking additional supplements, especially if suffering from any existing disease or if already taking any adjunctive medial therapy.

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